ebooks · Past courses

Ebooks hands-on workshops for librarians

Dates: Monday 18 September: 10am-12pm & Thursday 21 September: 2.30pm – 4.30pm.
Please note: these are two identical sessions – attendees need only come to one.

Venue: UL Training room

This hands-on workshop will explore which ebooks are available at the University, how to search for them and how to use the facilities offered by different ebook platforms, such as searching within the ebook, adding notes and bookmarks and downloading chapters.

This is a self-paced workshop aimed at newcomers to ebooks or those looking for a refresher in the basics. There will be plenty of opportunity for hands-on practice with a variety of ebook platforms and librarians will be on hand to help answer your or your students’  ebook-related questions.

Course leaders: Catherine Reid, Lindsay Jones, Jayne Kelly

Places: 12

Cost: Free

Book a place



Disability · ebooks · Past courses

Libraries: making them accessible to disabled people

Date: Wednesday 26 April
Venue: Disability Resource Centre, Bridget’s Meeting Room
Time: 3pm – 5pm

Disabled people face a range of barriers to their effective use of libraries, yet they are an important resource in enabling students to participate in study. This course will explore ways of accommodating disabled library users and help you to develop a plan for enhancing the service you offer. Libraries too have responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and this course will help you to achieve this. books

This course will be led primarily by Kirsty Wayland and Aless McCann from the University Disability Resource Centre.  In addition, Jayne Kelly from the University ebooks team will provide practical advice for library staff wanting to provide eresources for students with disabilities.

Course leaders: Kirsty Wayland, Aless McCann & Jayne Kelly

Book a place (rescheduled)








ebooks · Online resources · Past courses

Ebooks for librarians: hands-on training

Dates and times (NB: 2 identical sessions – attendees only come to one) ebooks
Session 1: Monday 9 January 2017; 2pm – 4pm
Session 2: Friday 20 January 2017; 10am – 12pm

Venue: Freshfields IT room (S19), Law Faculty, Sidgwick site (both sessions)

This hands-on workshop will explore which ebooks are available at the University, how to search for them and how to use the facilities offered by different ebook platforms, such as searching within the ebook, adding notes and bookmarks and downloading chapters.

This is a self-paced workshop aimed at newcomers to ebooks or those looking for a refresher in the basics. There will be plenty of opportunity for hands-on practice with a variety of ebook platforms and librarians will be on hand to help answer your or your students’  ebook-related questions.

Course Leaders: Catherine Reid, Jayne Kelly and Lindsay Jones

No. of places: 20 at each session

Cost: Free

Book a place
